Promote your next event.
Below is the workflow for local traders to promote events through Our Hood Spotswood.
1. Registration
In order to promote an event through Our Hood Spotswood, traders must have already registered for membership. Purchase your membership here.
2. Proximity
A registered Spotswood business can promote an event in, or within a reasonability proximity to Spotswood (about 20km). ’Guest’ businesses hosting events in Spotswood are also welcome.
3. Caption
What do you want to say? Why is your event important? What are the benefits to the community? Where does the idea come from and what do you want people to get out of your event?
4. Content
Events must have accompanying visual content for promotion. This can be in the form of a photo, video, graphic, carousel, and so on. Your content submissions must meet our visual standards found here. Don’t have content? You may benefit from Gold and Platinum tier memberships.
How to submit.
Now that you meet the requirements you will have your very own, private, business folder on the Our Hood Spotswood server - Google Drive. This is where you can upload your event content, and Our Hood Spotswood can send you communication items.
Still not seeing your folder? Let us know so we can support you.